Our website is “mobile device friendly“. To see how this works, simply watch how the page re-configures itself as you reduce the width of your browser, or look at it on your mobile device.
Why Inside Out Websites?
We tend to go through the process of developing websites for our clients in a slightly different way to most other web developers. Whilst many developers will build you a website and then leave you to work out just how to fit it in to your business operations, we work the other way.
We want the opportunity to sit down with you, talk through the way your business operates, find out exactly what your website needs might be, and then develop a web strategy to help you achieve your specific goals.
Only then will we begin to build your site, because we realise that unless the website is able to meet your specific needs, then the chances of success of the site in building your business will not be as high as they may otherwise be.
The other point of differentiation between Inside Out Websites and many of the others is that we understand that as a business owner you want to achieve a result, but don’t necessarily want to be dragged down into the murky world of acronyms, jargon and straight out confusion that is often used as a means of impressing the potential client.
Inside Out Websites
In today’s world, your website has become much more than an electronic version of your business card. While this was the case for many years, the era of social networks and growing expectations of the internet as a source of information ans well as of commerce have resulted in such simple 2 or 3 page websites no longer being of any benefit to the business owner or to potential online customers.
Inside Out Websites builds websites for a specific purpose, based upon the needs of our clients. This is something you must think about when you are determining the content for your website.
Your site should have a defined purpose. It may be:
- to sell your products
- to build your company’s profile
- to research a potential new market
- or to ensure effective support for your clients and customers.
In addition, each page on your site should also have a desired outcome.
You should be aiming at getting clients and prospects to take some sort of action or to gain a deeper understanding of your business or products as a result of visiting a particular page.
A correctly designed website will define the ground rules on how you want to do business.
It will act as a tool to attract the right sort of clients to your company and will clearly define their expectations on how they will be able to do business with you.
Another issue that is increasingly important is that your website should be designed in such a way that it will be able to generate additional business in its own right. This means that we need to work with the company owner to clearly identify the most appropriate “keywords” that will help you to attract prospects to your website and hopefully ensure that they can become additional clients. We are specialists in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) and can talk to you about this aspect of internet search responsiveness without the need to resort to complex acronyms and technical details.